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[Spring] Spring Data JPA PageRquest 관련 에러

by 이민훈 2021. 12. 30.
Page<PostInterface> findAllPostByCategory(PageRequest pageRequest);

Page<PostInterface> findAllPostByCategory(Long categoryId, PageRequest pageRequest);


위처럼 파라미터가 PageRquest 하나였을 땐, 잘 실행되다가


Long categoryId가 파라미터로 추가되면서,


but parameter 'Optional[pageRequest]' not found in annotated query ~


java.lang.IllegalStateException: Using named parameters for method public abstract ~


같은 에러들이 발생했습니다..


아래쪽 Illegal 에러로 검색해본 결과, @Param 어노테이션과 관련된 이슈들이 많이 보여서


위쪽 에러로 검색을 해봤습니다.




How to get PageRequest to work in spring boot with annotated query

I'm upgrading from spring boot 1 to spring boot 2. I'm trying to pick off the first result only. PageRequest pageRequest = PageRequest.of(0, batchSize, Sort.Direction.ASC, "id"); With an annota...



stackoverflow 에서 비슷한 질문을 찾게 됐고, PageRequest 대신 Pageable 객체를 쓰라는 거였는데,


결과적으로 잘 해결이 됐습니다.


변경 전 코드


@Transactional(readOnly = true)
public PostsDto readAllPost(Long categoryId, int page, int size) {
    PageRequest pageRequest = PageRequest.of(page, size);
    Page<PostInterface> result = postRepository.findAllPostByCategory(categoryId, pageRequest);
    return PostsDto.builder()

@Query(value = "SELECT c.name as category, p.id, p.title, p.views, p.create_date as createDate, u.nickname as writer, count(r.post_id) as likes " +
            "FROM post as p " +
            "LEFT JOIN category as c " +
            "ON p.category_id = c.id " +
            "LEFT JOIN user as u " +
            "ON p.user_id = u.id " +
            "LEFT JOIN recommendation as r " +
            "ON p.id = r.post_id " +
            "WHERE (:categoryId % 10 != 0 AND p.category_id = :categoryId) " +
            "OR (:categoryId % 10 = 0 AND p.category_id < :categoryId + 10 AND p.category_id > :categoryId) " +
            "GROUP BY p.id, p.title " +
            "ORDER BY p.id DESC",
            countQuery = "SELECT * FROM post as p " +
                    "WHERE (:categoryId % 10 != 0 AND p.category_id = :categoryId) " +
                    "OR (:categoryId % 10 = 0 AND :categoryId + 10 > p.category_id AND p.category_id > :categoryId)",
            nativeQuery = true)
Page<PostInterface> findAllPostByCategory(Long categoryId, PageRequest pageRequest);


변경 후 코드


@Transactional(readOnly = true)
public PostsDto readAllPost(Long categoryId, int page, int size) {
    Pageable pageable = PageRequest.of(page, size);
    Page<PostInterface> result = postRepository.findAllPostByCategory(categoryId, pageable);
    return PostsDto.builder()

@Query(value = "SELECT c.name as category, p.id, p.title, p.views, p.create_date as createDate, u.nickname as writer, count(r.post_id) as likes " +
            "FROM post as p " +
            "LEFT JOIN category as c " +
            "ON p.category_id = c.id " +
            "LEFT JOIN user as u " +
            "ON p.user_id = u.id " +
            "LEFT JOIN recommendation as r " +
            "ON p.id = r.post_id " +
            "WHERE (:categoryId % 10 != 0 AND p.category_id = :categoryId) " +
            "OR (:categoryId % 10 = 0 AND p.category_id < :categoryId + 10 AND p.category_id > :categoryId) " +
            "GROUP BY p.id, p.title " +
            "ORDER BY p.id DESC",
            countQuery = "SELECT * FROM post as p " +
                    "WHERE (:categoryId % 10 != 0 AND p.category_id = :categoryId) " +
                    "OR (:categoryId % 10 = 0 AND :categoryId + 10 > p.category_id AND p.category_id > :categoryId)",
            nativeQuery = true)
Page<PostInterface> findAllPostByCategory(Long categoryId, Pageable pageable);


저의 경우 Long categoryId에 @Param 어노테이션을 붙여도 해결되지 않았는데,


제 생각에는 Native Query를 쓰면서 categoryId는 SQL문안의 파라미터로 사용됐는데,


PageRequest는 SQL문안에 쓰이는 파라미터가 아니고 Pagination을 위한 객체다 보니,


모종의(?) 충돌이 생기지 않았나 생각이 듭니다.
