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Exported variable has or is using name from external module but cannot be named 에러

by 이민훈 2022. 10. 4.

타입스크립트로 컴파일을 하다가, styled css 쪽에서 에러가 났습니다.


Item은 EffectedItem을 상속받고 있는데,

export const Item = styled(EffectedItem)`
  text-align: center;


EffectedItem의 props의 타입이 export 되지 않아 생긴 에러였습니다.

import { useTheme } from "@emotion/react";
import { forwardRef, useCallback } from "react";
import {
} from "../../../types/props";
import { rippleEffect } from "../../../utilities/css";
import { ItemBase } from "../../base/ItemBase";

interface EffectedItemProps extends ListItemDefaultProps {
  active: boolean;

const EffectedItem = forwardRef(
  (props: EffectedItemProps, forwardedRef: ListItemForwardedRef) => {
    const theme = useTheme();
    const { onClick = () => {} } = props;

    const handleClick = useCallback(
      (event: any) => {
        rippleEffect(event, theme, true);

    return <ItemBase {...props} ref={forwardedRef} onClick={handleClick} />;

export default EffectedItem;


export를 붙여주면 에러가 사라집니다.

export interface EffectedItemProps extends ListItemDefaultProps {
  active: boolean;


참고 https://github.com/styled-components/styled-components/issues/1063


Typescript 2.4 Error: Variable StyledComponentClass from external module cannot be named. · Issue #1063 · styled-components/st

Version 2.1.1 Typescript: 2.4.2 Reproduction Given a styled-component src/wrapper.tsx import * as React from 'react'; import styled from 'styled-components'; const Wrapper = styled....

